Creating a cadre of senior professional ultra-Orthodox women who will lead, drive and promote organizations, systems and processes in the community and Israeli society at large.

The Need

A growing number of women in ultra-Orthodox society have the potential to substantially contribute in the social-civic arena. Lacking the tools, platforms and mechanisms to develop this potential, ultra-Orthodox communities and Israeli society at large, are missing out on a tremendously valuable resource in human capital and civic-social action. 

The past decade has seen a substantial investment in ultra-Orthodox women for higher education and employment, leading to an increase in the percentage of ultra-Orthodox women in the workforce from 53% to 81%, with 10-15% of those in senior-level professional positions. However, despite their tremendous potential, this change has not yet been realized in the social-civic arena.

In order to achieve this, two challenges must be addressed: •  The lack of knowledge and mechanisms for developing civic minded thinking and action •  The lack of a platform to advance social initiatives that promote quality of life

Guiding Principles


Promoting values of responsibility and social involvement


Giving expression to the cultural and sectoral diversity within ultra-Orthodox society through the participation of ultra-Orthodox women from all communities and streams


Awareness, sensitivity and deep familiarity with the values and characteristics of ultra-Orthodox society

Course of Action

1. Identification

Recruitment and screening of mainstream ultra-Orthodox women in senior positions and/or with broad influence in the public and social sphere.​

2. Training

Imparting professional, theoretical knowledge and applied tools and skills to promote and implement solutions to social-civic challenges, personal development, building systemic management capabilities and social responsibility.

3. Creating Community

Building a network of ultra-Orthodox women in senior positions who will operate with a sense of shared responsibility, vision and purpose.

4. Implementation

Developing tools and learning processes to advance social initiatives and solutions to real-time challenges, facilitated by Lishma’s panel of experts and consultants who assist in training, research, and creating work plans.

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